About Charlotte Cardelöv

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So far Charlotte Cardelöv has created 6 blog entries.

Intersonic – Official Distributor of Boom Video Conferencing Equipment in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark

In a time where digital communication is more important than ever, we at Intersonic are proud to become the official distributor of Boom video conferencing equipment in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. Boom is an innovative and powerful solution that ensures high-quality meetings—no matter where you [...]

2025-02-12T16:22:00+02:00 12 February, 2025|Uncategorized|

🎄 ✨ Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår fra Intersonic!🎄 ✨

🎄 ✨ Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår fra Intersonic!🎄 ✨ Hos Intersonic vil vi gerne sende en stor tak til alle vores kunder, leverandører og partnere for 2024! 🌟 Tak for din tillid. Din støtte og vores samarbejde har været uvurderlige det forgangne år. Vi ser [...]

2024-12-20T13:59:40+02:00 20 December, 2024|Uncategorized|

News from Nexo – NANONXAMP4

NANONXAMP4 SCALABLE, FLEXIBLE, COST-EFFICIENT Available in standard and Dante-equipped versions, the 4-channel nanoNXAMP4 combined amplification and processing solution significantly reduces the cost of NEXO sound systems for retail, hospitality, houses of worship and corporate installations, without compromising the sound quality. TRADEMARK NEXO SOUND QUALITY Compact yet [...]

2024-02-26T10:35:46+02:00 26 February, 2024|Products|

APEX Partners with Intersonic for Denmark Distribution

APEX has appointed Intersonic as the exclusive distributor for its CloudPower installation amplifiers in Denmark. The move follows the recent announcement of Intersonic’s expansion into the Danish market. Intersonic is already a well-established distributor in Sweden and Finland, where it has helped to build APEX’s reputation [...]

2023-07-06T14:21:07+02:00 6 July, 2023|Products|

Intersonic will attend at the upcoming ProAv Expo 11-12 of October

Intersonic DK is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming ProAv Expo, taking place at Brøndby Hallen on October 11th and 12th. As a leading provider of innovative audio and visual solutions, Intersonic DK looks forward to showcasing our latest cutting-edge technologies at this prestigious [...]

2023-06-26T09:58:51+02:00 26 June, 2023|Company, Events|

Kontakt os

Intersonic DK
Kløvermarken 43
DK-3060 Espergærde, Danmark
+45 6013 1385
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